Girlfriend's Ministry

We BEFRIEND women so they feel like they BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BELIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different….a follower of Jesus! To complete the circle, we want women to BEFRIEND others and help them BELONG, too.

We try to plan an activity each month that provides encouragement and support for women of all ages. Our events are meant to be fun and purposeful. From hiking, a ladies tea, Christmas cookie exchange to our Fall Retreat, we want to promote unity and fellowship for women at River Hills Church. We encourage our women to invite guests to all our events, giving them an opportunity to be loved and encouraged as well. We also have a Secret Sister program - twice a year, if you choose, you are paired up with another sister in Christ to pray for, and surprise with notes of encouragement and gifts. Come check it out......we do have some fun!!!